
Social Media Tips for Businesses Wedding Photos

Most companies have a social media strategy. Although companies typically use different strategies, effective strategies have similar processes.

Set Goals

First, determine your goals. You should identify your target audience and the metrics you want to target. For example, are you interested in customer engagement, increased sales or new or returning customers, and what about clicks, hashtags and likes? Then, analyze your current strategy to determine if it meets your goals. Next, look over your competitions’ websites and social media platforms. You want consistent, engaging content, so develop an implementation plan and timeline. Your platforms should offer metric results and

Personalize Your Client Interactions

Your clients will have specific wants with regard to your content. For example, they like photos and infographics, and they like humor. Be open to your clients’ content suggestions.

People also like to feel connected to the companies they work with. Many companies place biographies of their management teams on their websites. However, consider introducing more than your management team to your customers. For example, if they work with a team, consider introducing them through social media and on your website. You may want to hire a local photographer, such as someone who offers corporate portrait photography Branford CT, to help your employees look their best.


You should know everything you can possibly learn about your customer base and target audience. You need to understand their buying habits, lifestyles, demographics, job types and any other data you can collect. Then, use this data to build a specific profile of your customers.

Next, research the social media platforms your customer base uses. You want to meet them where they are. For example, Facebook is used by individuals in most any age group and with most any income and education level, while Instagram us commonly used by women aged 18-29 with college educations. LinkedIn users typically have higher incomes.


Be sure to keep a close eye on the impact of your strategy to ensure you meet your metric goals.

Your company can have an effective social media strategy and gain greater visibility in the industry.