
Are you ready for engagement? 5 things to do first

You’ve been with your partner for some time now. It’s been all smiles, laughs, and good times. Every song on the radio is about you two and you couldn’t be happier. Love is well and truly in the air. Sound familiar?

If this is where you’ve found yourself in your relationship, congrats! This has probably got you thinking about taking the next step to your relationship forward. One of the biggest steps you can take in your relationship is getting engaged.

However, there are a few things you need to consider before dropping to one knee. Before you start looking at engagement rings and booking restaurants, take a moment to pause and reflect. We recommend doing a few things first before going all out to pop the question to make sure you and your partner are ready.

So, if you’re ready for engagement, here are the 5 things you need to do first.

1. Check-in with Yourself

Take a moment to ask yourself if you’re actually ready to take this step. It’s very easy to get swept up in the momentum of a relationship, which isn’t the best mindset to be in when making big decisions. It’s ok if you’re aren’t 100% ready, as long as you’re honest with yourself about why. Reach out to friends, family, or your partner if you want to talk things over.

2. Check-in with your Partner

Make sure you and your partner are on the same page before taking this step. Make sure they actually want to get married first and then discuss other important topics like family and career goals. These will be massive parts of your marriage at some point, so it’s better to start addressing them early on.

3. Check-in with their Family

Provided you and your partner see eye to eye on the necessary points, the next step is to notify your partners family. Asking for permission is a thing of the past, but notifying them of your intentions shows a great deal of respect for both your partner and their family.

4. Get the Ring

Now that you’ve got the green light, it’s time to go shopping. If you’re not sure where to start, you can’t go wrong with a Valentina engagement ring. Boasting superior quality and design, a Valentina ring is sure to impress.

5. Plan the Proposal

The final step is the plan the proposal. No matter how you choose to pop the question, your goal should never be perfection. Try to make it as personal as you can by keeping your partner in mind at every step of the process. This is the secret to making the proposal truly special.

Follow these steps and you’ll be ready to take the plunge. Good luck!